I have had my 1st stitchery published in the 2011 Fall issue of Prims Magazine. I am a very happy girl, it was always a dream that Sue and I had hoped for some day. My stitchery is featured along with other artwork from the Tdipt Mercantile Group, To Dwell in Primitve Thymes. There is a 10 page spread with a wonderful article written by our own Karen Brady Hammontree of Brady Bear Studio's. Karen, as well as some of the other girls who she collabrated this article with lovingly dedicated the article to my sister Sue Zaliks memory. This has touched me deeply and I thank them from the bottom of my heart. Prims magazine will also be featuring the remaining artists in their 2012 January issue. You can view the other 9 pages on the Tdipt blog.
http://todwellinprimitivethymes.blogspot.com/ The Prims Magazine is available for purchase on line, at Barnes and Noble and your art/craft stores.